With roots in the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal, Gineceu+Estigma addresses the fantastic world of botany, crossing scientific, artistic, philosophical, spiritual and ecological thought with approaches in which academic, artistic and empirical knowledge intersect and complement each other.
Gineceu+Estigma offers talks, workshops and interpretative tours of the garden by invited educators, researchers and artists.
Friday, February 23rd, from 10 am to 12 pm
Closing of ESCOLA TERRA: Presentation of workshop results with Landra
Escola Terra was a workshop outside the gates of the gardens of Palácio de Cristal, which took place in the playgrounds of the Canelas school complex. During the four seasons of the year, Landra invited students and teachers, from pre-school to high-school, to get out of the classroom and discover the surrounding living habitats.
A variety of collective actions were carried out, including collecting samples and looking through a microscope, followed by drawings and listening sessions. We talked about biological succession, biomes and the different scales of the school landscape, from the tree to the lichen, from the darkness of the soil to the light of the ground.
The closing session of this educational project will include a visit to the exhibition at the Galeria Municipal do Porto and a talk with the participating students and the Landra duo, open to anyone with an interest in pedagogy or mediation in Art and Ecology.
Tuesday, April 23rd, from 3 to 5:30pm
Ressonâncias de um Jardim: Developing workshop for schools with Casa da Imagem
The process of imagining this workshop began with a collection of organic elements such as leaves, seeds and branches from the Palácio de Cristal Gardens, but also with a selection of photographs from the Teófilo Rego archive, which depict times lived in this garden in the city of Porto and show dog shows or stands for a Wine Fair. The practical part will take place at Casa da Imagem, an art and knowledge-sharing space where students will be able to get to grips with different developing processes - more experimental and ecological - that use some of the plants collected earlier.
Botanical collecting and scientific representations of plant and animal species will be replaced by a representation of nature that is not so humanized, but more experiential and personal.
[REGISTRATIONS CLOSED]Saturday, May 18, from 3 to 5pm
International Fascination of Plants Day - Walk through the Gardens with Evgenia Emets
As has become customary in the Public Programs of the Galeria Municipal do Porto, International Museum Day has been celebrated as International Fascination of Plants Day, in a close relationship with those who inhabit the Palácio de Cristal Gardens - its fauna and flora - and also those who visit them, in a joint celebration of the different forms of life.
This year's guide will be the artist Evgenia Emets, who runs the Eternal Forest project, focused on careful research into the connection between communities and the forest and the urgency of reflecting on these relationships, which are often based on extractive logics.
For this event, Evgenia has followed the four seasons of the year in the Gardens, letting herself be intuitively guided by the plants and trees of the place. The proposal is to go on a journey where we will talk about the species of trees that exist, adding a collective experience of writing from what the plants tell us, while establishing relationships and stories behind each one of them.
Schools - Friday, May 31st, from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm
Amulets for magical beings inhabiting gardens - Amulet-making workshop with Oficina Sibila
What can we uncover in these gardens full of life, visible or invisible?
How can we inhabit them, without them ceasing to dazzle us, without damaging or transforming them? In groups, we'll build amulets for magical beings.
Do you ever feel them lurking around? During the day they hide while we're out walking, but at night, in the silence, they come to check that we've protected their place while they were resting.
With the art of protecting, you twist a string three times, hug the tree and hang it up, saying the magic words: "this is your place too, and we're going to care for it". With leaves, twigs, branches, stones, sticks, earth, clay, water and natural pigments, we put together a secret binder. What will it be?
And tomorrow, will the magical beings that inhabit the gardens return?
Will you come along?
Festa da Criança 2024 - Families/Sat., Jun 1st. 10h-13h, 14h-16h
Amulets for magical beings inhabiting gardens - Amulet-making workshop with Oficina Sibila
What can we uncover in these gardens full of life, visible or invisible?
How can we inhabit them, without them ceasing to dazzle us, without damaging or transforming them? In groups, we'll build amulets for magical beings.
Do you ever feel them lurking around? During the day they hide while we're out walking, but at night, in the silence, they come to check that we've protected their place while they were resting.
With the art of protecting, you twist a string three times, hug the tree and hang it up, saying the magic words: "this is your place too, and we're going to care for it". With leaves, twigs, branches, stones, sticks, earth, clay, water and natural pigments, we put together a secret binder. What will it be?
And tomorrow, will the magical beings that inhabit the gardens return?
Will you come along?