Galeria Municipal do PortoGaleria Municipal do Porto


Based on the concept of "new Babylonians" - developed by the Situationist International in the 1960s - artist and curator Pedro G. Romero developed an extensive research focused on the Gypsy, Flemish and libertarian exiles. 
This work took shape in the exhibition project presented at the Galeria Municipal do Porto, between September and November 2021. The exhibition was permeated by diverse and multidisciplinary contributions, taking as its starting point a historical map of references and allusions to these groups throughout the ages: the fado of Amália Rodrigues, Zé Povinho, Gil Vicente, Almada Negreiros or the flamenco of Porrina de Badajoz, passing even through Ricardo Quaresma. 
The project has now been materialized in book form, in an object that reflects the same exhibition typology, made up of 15 small booklets that mirror the arrangement of the spaces delimited by themes, which the Spanish curator defined in 2021 in the space of the Municipal Gallery. The editorial project was undertaken by the curator himself, together with Filiep Tacq, who also designed the graphic component of this publication.
Galeria Municipal do Porto / Ágora – Cultura e Desporto, E.M.
Editorial Project:
Pedro G. Romero, Filiep Tacq
Alberte Pagán, André Sousa & Mauro Cerqueira, Ángel Calvo Ulloa, Armando Sousa, Bruno Sena Martins, Carla Filipe, Carlos Vidal, Concha Barquero & Alejandro Alvarado, Dulce Simões, Eglantina Monteiro, Guilherme Blanc, Maria Ramalho, Mariana Sabino-Salazar, Paula Godinho, João Paupério & Maria Rebelo, Pedro G. Romero, Tânia Dinis, Tiago Pereira
Graphic Design:
Filiep Tacq
Editorial Coordination:
Ángel Calvo Ulloa, Isabeli Santiago, Juan Luis Toboso
Martin Dale
Hernâni Baptista, Isabeli Santiago, Juan Luis Toboso, Tiago Dias dos Santos
Dinis Santos (Exhibition views), Luis Espinheira (Documentation and models)
Gráfica Diário do Porto
ISBN 978-989-53480-7-7
Student: 30%
Porto. Card: 20%.
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