Galeria Municipal do PortoGaleria Municipal do Porto

Programa de Incursão à Galeria

ping!, Programa de Incursão à Galeria, aims to create bonds of proximity and continuity with school and non-school audiences based on a  practical and discursive exchange.

ping! creates experimental, careful and involving ways of sharing ideas and knowledge through artistic expression.

In 2024 it presents a programme based on three thematic axes and three cross-sectional programmes dedicated to the school community:
Gineceu+Estigma, related to the landscape and botany of the Palácio de Cristal Gardens.
Memória de Elefante, an investigation into the legacy of the First Portuguese Colonial Exhibition. 
Massa-Mãe, practices and reflections on food politics and commensality.
Exodus, excursions through the Gallery's urban and artistic neighbourhood. 
Visitas-Pavão, for children visiting the exhibitions at the Galeria Municipal and the Palácio de Cristal Gardens.
pings! a collective for young students between the ages of 16 and 22 interested in Porto's artistic and cultural life, who meet once a month to take part in different activities.

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